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At Terrace Lake we believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

The gospel literally means, “good news.”  But the good news begins with some bad news.  According to the Bible you were born a sinner and are therefore unrighteous in your standing before God (Romans 3:9-18).  Your unrighteousness is an affront to God’s righteousness and as long as you remain in that condition you are storing up wrath for yourself through the righteous judgment of God (Romans 2:5).  God is righteous and His perfect justice demands a response to unrighteousness.  You do not know the day or the hour you will breathe your last breath in this life so to live in this unrighteous state is to live exposed to God’s wrath and judgment.  

Now the  good news!

The Bible says God loves the objects of His wrath.  This is astounding if you consider the holiness of God and the depths of the unrighteousness of humanity! The Bible proclaims even while humanity was living in its state of unrighteous sin God demonstrated His love by sending His perfect Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8). Jesus paid your debt.  Jesus took your judgment. Jesus bore the wrath of God so you wouldn’t have to.  The resurrection of Jesus is proof God’s justice was satisfied by Jesus on the cross.You can tell the Lord right now that you want to receive the gift of His forgiveness.  If you have made that decision we would love to know so we can help you begin the next steps of your new life in Christ. 

When you consider all that God has done for you, is there any reason you would not want to receive His amazing gift?  

You can tell the Lord right now that you want to receive the gift of His forgiveness.  If you have made that decision we would love to know so we can help you begin the next steps of your new life in Christ.




Kevin shares his story of salvation. He spent years going through the motions, there was never any real relationship... until God's word, response in worship, and his church family spoke truth into his life. 


"If I were to stand before Jesus today, would He really say that I was a good and faithful servant?" Kevin asked himself.




Rocklyn shares how Jesus has changed her life and how she found joy in her heart even during hard times. 


"He will love us wherever we go and whatever we do"

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4260 W 200 S, Columbus, IN 47201​


Worship Times - Sundays 9:00am  / 10:45am

© 2024 by Terrace Lake Church.

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